Please type or paste Latin words, phrases and sentences
(up to
50,000 words). More instructions.
This sofware is beta and the dictionary is in flux, so your results will
This software will learn your basic Latin vocabulary if you teach it. So
give it feedback, and be patient.
This software knows about 9 enclitics (-cum, -que, -ve, -ne, -st, -met, -ce, -pte,
-dum), but you must add a space manually between others.
Macrons are optional. To include them, use precombined UTF-8 (e.g., laudō)
or underscores (e.g., laudo_).
I's and J's are the same letter (iecit and jecit are the
U's and V's are the same letter (vobis and uobis are the
Certain rarer forms are not known to the software yet: some syncopated verbal
forms, strictly impersonal verbs (like licet), some irregular verbs
(edo, possum, prodsum, possibly do), some rare adjectival
and pronomial forms, etc. These will be added as time goes on.