Numen - The Latin Lexicon is an online Latin dictionary (a dictionary of the Latin Language) based on multiple sources , including An Elementary Latin Dictionary (by Charlton T. Lewis) and A Latin Dictionary (by Lewis and Short) (A Latin Dictionary at Perseus). This online dictionary is different from any other you've ever used. It has been built from the ground up using AJAX technology (sometimes referred to as Web 2.0) to allow the fastest, most efficient and most useful user interface. Source data here comes either from the public domain or else the original author (when available) has granted permission for the the source to be included here.
The dictionary is regularly in a state of flux as errata are corrected, as well as when words are added, subtracted and modified. The website and its underlying software was written by Keith Alexander Woodell, M.A. in classical studies, formerly a graduate Teaching Assistant and Grading Assistant in Classics at the University of New Mexico (UNM, UNM Foreign Languages and Literatures). All inquiries should be addressed to me at: Feel free to send feedback.
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If you decide to use this website as a source in a paper, please remember to include a link to the static page of the definition and acknowledge that the dictionary entries originated from an original source (e.g., An Elementary Latin Dictionary).
Thanks to my graduate cohort and my many students for being the guinea pigs and thoroughly testing it and believing in it. Thanks to all the students and teachers who use it everyday. Tell everyone you know who studies Latin! It just keeps getting better.
Numen Mobile is available for mobile devices.
The Abbreviations Page for the Lewis Elementary Latin Dictionary (LEM)
The Abbreviations Page for the Lewis and Short Latin Dictionary (LNS)
The Abbreviations Page for the Latinitas Recens (REC)