quintānus, a, um, adj. quintus, of or belonging to the fifth, viz., Of or belonging to the fifth rank or order, the fifth in order: nonae quintanae dicuntur, quae quinto mensis die veniunt: sicut septimanae, quae septimo, that fall on the fifth day of the month (but septimana, that fall on the seventh), Varr. L. L. 6, § 27 Mull.; cf. Macr. S. 1, 15: vineas semper quintanis seminari (sc. vicibus), at every fifth stake, Plin. 17, 22, 35, § 169.
— Subst.:
quintāna, ae, f. (sc. via), a street in the camp, which intersected the tents of the two legions in such a manner as to separate the fifth maniple from the sixth, and the fifth turma from the sixth. Here was the market and businessplace of the camp: quintana appellatur porta in castris post praetorium, ubi rerum utensilium forum sit, Paul. ex Fest. p. 256 Mull.: ad quaestorium forum quintanamque hostes pervenerunt, Liv. 41, 2, 11.
— Hence, transf.: quintana domi constituta, a market, Suet. Ner. 26.
— Of or belonging to the fifth legion; only subst.: quin-tāni, ōrum, m., the soldiers of the fifth legion, Tac. H. 1, 37; 1, 55; 4, 36.