querquētulānus, a, um, adj. from querquetum, for quercetum, of or belonging to an oak-forest, named from an oakwood: querquetulanae virae (i. e. virgines) putantur significari nymphae praesidentes querqueto virescenti: quod genus silvae judicant fuisse intra portam, quae ab eo dicta sit Querquetularia. Sed feminas antiqui, quas sciens (scitas?) dicimus, viras appellabant: unde adhuc permanent virgines et viragines, Fest. p. 261 Mull.: mons, an earlier name of the Mons Caelius at Rome, Tac. A. 4, 65; here was querquetulanum sacellum, Varr. L. L. 5, § 49 Mull.; and: querquetulana porta, a gate in Rome between the Mons Caelius and Esquilinus, Plin. 16, 10, 15, § 37.
— Plur.: Quer-quētulāni, ōrum, m., a people of Latium, Plin. 3, 5, 9, § 69.