quā^dra, ae, f., a square. In gen.: qui locus gradibus in quadram formatus est, Fest. s. v. Romanam, p. 262 Mull.
— In partic. In arch. The lowest and largest member of the base of a pedestal, the foundation-stone, socle, plinth, Vitr. 3, 3.
— Any small member for the separation of larger ones, a platband, list, fillet, Vitr. 3, 3; 10, 2.
— A table to eat from, a dining-table (as these were usually square; cf. Varr. L. L. 5, ยง 118 Mull.): patulis nec parcere quadris, of the pieces of bread used as plates, Verg. A. 7, 115.
— Hence, alienā vivere quadrā, to live from another's table (as a parasite), Juv. 5, 2.
— A (square) bit, piece, morsel: et mihi dividuo findetur munere quadra, Hor. Ep. 1, 17, 49: casei, Mart. 12, 32, 18: placentae, id. 6, 75, 1; 9, 92, 18: panis, Sen. Ben. 4, 29, 2.