Definition of juxta
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Orthography ID = 2031372
sup. form from jugis; v. jungo
  1. near to, nigh
  2. near together, in close proximity
  3. near at hand, near, near by, hard by, close to, by the side of
  4. in like manner, equally, alike
  5. as, than
  6. Prep
juxtā, adv. and prep. sup. form from jugis; v. jungo, near to, nigh. Adv. Lit., of place. Of several objects, near together, in close proximity: theatra duo juxta fecit amplissima e ligno, Plin. 36, 15, 24, § 117.

— In gen., near at hand, near, near by, hard by, close to, by the side of: legio, quae juxta constiterat, Caes. B. G. 2, 26, 1: ut sellam juxta poneret, Sall. J. 65, 2: furiarum maxima juxta Accubat, Verg. A. 6, 605: forte fuit juxta tumulus, id. ib. 3, 22: procul vel juxta sitas vires circumspectabat, Tac. H. 2, 72: talem perlatum Pompeio juxta res gerenti Mithridatico bello, Plin. 6, 17, 19, § 51: abjecto clam juxta pugione, Suet. Ner. 34: thermisque juxta celeriter constructis, id. Tit. 7.

— Rarely with verbs of motion: accedere juxta, Ov. M. 8, 809.

— Transf., in like manner, equally, alike (syn.: aeque, pariter). Absol.: eorum ego vitam mortemque juxta aestimo, Sall. C. 2: aestatem et hiemem juxta pati, id. J. 85, 33: ceteri juxta insontes, Liv. 24, 5, 13: qui Argenta habent, aliaque castella juxta ignobilia, id. 32, 14, 2: juxta periculosum seu ficta seu vera promeret, Tac. A. 1, 6: solo caeloque juxta gravi, id. H. 5, 7.

— With dat.: Fabius omittendam rem parvam ac juxta magnis difficilem censebat, Liv. 24, 19, 6.

— With ac, atque, et, quam, cum, in the sense of as, than (cf.: aeque ac, pariter ac, etc.): juxta tecum aeque scio, Plaut. Pers. 4, 3, 75: juxta eam curo cum mea, id. Trin. 1, 2, 160 (so always in Plaut.; v. Brix ad loc.): juxta mecum omnes intellegitis, Sall. C. 58, 5: absentium bona juxta atque interemptorum divisa fuere, Liv. 1, 54, 9; 3, 33, 10: juxta eam rem aegre passi patres, quam cum consulatum vulgari viderent, i. e. were just as indignant, id. 10, 6, 9: qui me, juxta ac si meus frater esset, sustentavit, just as if, = non secus ac si, Cic. post Red. ap. Sen. 8, 20: juxta ac si hostes adessent, Sall. J. 45, 2; Liv. 22, 31, 3: in re juxta manifesta atque atroci, id. 3, 33, 10; 24, 5, 13; 21, 33, 4; 5, 6, 5: reipublicae juxta ac sibi consulere, Sall. C. 37, 8: litteris Graecis atque Latinis juxta eruditus, id. J. 95, 3: juxta bonos et malos interficere, id. C. 51, 30.

— Prep., with acc., very near, close to, near to, hard by (not ante-class.). Lit., of place: juxta eum castra posuit, Caes. B. C. 3, 41, 4; 3, 65, 4; 3, 20, 1; Nep. Dat. 1, 1; id. Att. 22 fin.; Quint. 8, 4, 22: juxta murum castra posuit, Caes. B. C. 1, 16, 4: totos dies juxta focum atque ignem agunt, Tac. G. 17; Col. 4, 8, 2.

—Placed after the case: hanc (aram) juxta, Nep. Paus. 4, 4: vicina Ceraunia juxta, Verg. A. 3, 506: cubiculum Caesaris juxta, Tac. A. 13, 15 fin.: Rhenum juxta, id. ib. 4, 5: Tiberim juxta, id. ib. 2, 41: Aditum juxta moenia urbis Volsco militi struxit, Val. Max. 5, 4, 1.

— Transf. Next to, immediately after, beside, on a par with: juxta deos in tua manu positum est, Tac. H. 2, 76: apud quos juxta divinas religiones, humana fides colitur, Liv. 9, 9, 4: homo, juxta M. Varronem doctissimus, Gell. 4, 9: vilitate juxta beluas esse, Plin. 2, 7, 5, § 26.

— Near, approaching to, like, almost the same as: velocitas juxta formidinem, cunctatio propior constantiae est, Tac. G. 30: gravitate annonae juxta seditionem ventum est, id. A. 6, 13: juxta seditionem esse, Sall. H. 3, 67, 11 Dietsch: populi imperium juxta libertatem, Tac. A. 6, 42: sapor juxta fontis dulcissimos, Sall. H. 4, 13.

— Along with, together with: cum interea lucubrando faceret juxta ancillas lanam, Varr. ap. Non. 322: juxta se conjuges vexari, just as: pariter ac, Liv. 41, 6: periculosiores sunt inimicitiae juxta libertatem, among a free people, Tac. G. 21.

— In consequence of, in proportion to (post-class., except one doubtful passage in Liv.): huic consuetudo juxta vicinitatem cum Aebutio fuit, Liv. 39, 9, 6 dub. Weissenb. ad loc.: quem juxta nocturnum visum ergastulo liberavit, Just. 1, 7, 1: convivium juxta regiam magnificentiam ludis exornat, id. 12, 3, 11.

— According to: juxta praeceptum, Just. 2, 12, 25; Nazar. Pan. Const. 23; Vulg. Gen. 1, 11: juxta morem, id. ib. 19, 31: juxta hoc videtur et divus Hadrianus rescripsisse in haec verba, Dig. 29, 5, 1, § 28: juxta inclytum oratorem, Hier. Ep. 82.