Jūdas, ae, or Jūda, indecl. m., = Ἰούδας. Judah, son of Jacob and patriarch of one of the tribes of Israel: istae sunt familiae Juda, Vulg. Num. 1, 26: dixit Judas fratribus suis, id. Gen. 37, 26.
— Transf., the tribe of Judah, descendants of Judah: in diebus illis salvabitur Juda, Vulg. Jer. 23, 6.
—Of the land inhabited by the tribe, Vulg. Judic. 10, 9 al.
— Jude or Judas, one of Christ's apostles, Vulg. Jud. 1, 1; id. Matt. 13, 55.
— Judas Iscariot, Sedul. Carm. 5, 38; Vulg. Matt. 10, 4; Juvenc. 4, 428.
— Judas Machabaeus, Vulg. Macc. 2, 4 et saep.