in-nōtesco, tui, 3, v. inch. n. To become known or noted. With abl.: fraude, Phaedr. 1, 10, 1: nostris innotuit illa libellis, Ov. Am. 3, 12, 7: petulanti pictura, Plin. 35, 11, 40, § 140: sceleribus, Val. Max. 8, 14, 3 ext.
— Absol.: quod ubi innotuit, Liv. 22, 61, 4: carmina quae vulgo innotuerunt, Suet. Ner. 42; Tac. Or. 10.
— Transf., of daylight, to become clear: innotescente jam luce, Amm. 19, 18 init.
— (I. q. cognosco.) To come to know, to learn by experience, Dig. 26, 7, 5, § 10.