Hyantes, um, m., = Ὕαντες, the Hyantes, an old name of the Baeotians, Plin. 4, 7, 12, § 26.
— Derivv. Hyan-tēus, a, um, adj., of or belonging to the Hyantes (Baeotians), Hyantean, Baeotian: Iolāus, Ov. M. 8, 310: Aganippe, id. ib. 5, 312: aqua, i. e. Castalian, Mart. 12, 3, 12.
Hyantius, a, um, adj., the same: sorores, i. e. the Muses, Stat. S. 2, 7, 8; cf. Camenae, Sid. Ep. 8, 9 in carm.: juvenis, i. e. Actaeon, as grandson of Cadmus, Ov. M. 3, 147.