Hermagoras and Hermagora (the latter is the Ciceron. form acc. to Quint. 1, 5, 61), ae, m., = Ἑρμαγόρας. A celebrated Greek rhetorician of Rhodes, Cic. Brut. 78, 271; id. Inv. 1, 6, 8; 1, 9, 12; 1, 11, 16; Quint. 3, 1, 16; 3, 5, 14 et saep.
Hermagorēi, ōrum, m., his disciples, Quint. 3, 1, 16; 3, 5, 4; 7, 4, 4.
— Another rhetorician of Temnos in Aeolis, in the time of Augustus, Quint. 3, 1, 19; Tac. Or. 19.