Hebrus, i, m., = Ἕβρος. The principal river in Thrace, which rises in Mount Haemus, and flows into the Aegean Sea, now the Maritza, Mel. 2, 2, 2; 8; Verg. E. 10, 65; id. G. 4, 463; and esp. ib. v. 523 sqq.; id. A. 1, 317; Hor. Ep. 1, 3, 3; id. C. 3, 25, 10; Ov. F. 3, 737; id. M. 2, 257; 11, 50 et saep.: sacer, on account of the festivals of Bacchus celebrated on its banks, id. H. 2, 114.
— A Trojan, slain by Mezentius, Verg. A. 10, 696.
— The name of a beautiful youth, Hor. C. 3, 12, 6.