Halēsa (Halaesa and Alēsa), ae, f., = Ἅλαισα, a town on the northern coast of Sicily, on the river Halesus, now ruins near the village Iusa, Sil. 14, 218; Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 7, § 19; 2, 2, 75, § 185.
— Deriv. Halēsīnus (Halaes- and Alēs-), a, um, adj., of or belonging to Halesa: civitas, Cic. Fam. 13, 32, 1: Dio, of Halesa, Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 7, § 19; 2, 3, 73.
—Subst.: Ha-lēsīni, ōrum, m. plur., the inhabitants of Halesa, Halesines, Plin. 3, 8, 14, § 91.