haeresis (scanned heresis in Prud. Psych. 725; Ham. 64), is and eos, f., = αἵρεσις. A (philosophical or religious) sect, a school of thought (=secta): Cato in ea est haeresi, quae nullum sequitur florem orationis, Cic. Par. prooem. § 2; as Greek, id. Fam. 15, 16, 3: Pythagorae haeresim sequi, Vitr. 5 praef.
— Heretical religious doctrine, heresy, Tert. adv. Haer. 1 sq. et saep.: Ariana, the Arian heresy, Sid. Ep. 7, 6: plurimae sectae et haereses, Lact. 4, 30, 2.
— Heresis, personif., Prud. Psych. 710.
— Comically: joca tua plena facetiarum de haeresi Vestoriana ... risisse me satis, i. e. craft, trade, Cic. Att. 14, 14, 1.
— A calling, profession: navalis, Cod. Th. 13, 6, 9 sq.