geniculātus, a, um, adj. geniculum. With bended knee.
Genicu-lātus, i, m., The Kneeler, a constellation, Vitr. 9, 6 med.
— Transf., in gen., bended, curved: meatus Tibridis, Amm. 18, 9.
— Having knots, knotted, jointed, geniculated (class.): culmus, Cic. de Sen. 15, 51: harundo, Plin. 16, 36, 64, § 158: herba totidem nodis, id. 24, 16, 93, § 150: nodi scaporum, id. 17, 21, 35, § 152: cursu scandentes vites, id. 14, 1, 3, § 10.