Definition of classis
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Orthography ID = 2010772
classis, classis
καλέω, root cal, cla, of clamo, καλέω; prop. the people as assembled or called together
noun (f., 3rd pure I-stem declension)
  1. A class
  2. the whole body of the citizens called to arms, an army
  3. the land army
  4. the fleet
  5. a class, division
classis (old orthog. CLASIS, Column. Rostr.; v. under I. B. 2.), is (acc. sing. usu. classem; classim, Auct. B. Afr. 9, 2; abl. usu. classe; classi, Verg. A. 8, 11; Liv. 23, 41, 8; Vell. 2, 79), f. root cal-, cla-, of clamo, καλέω; prop. the people as assembled or called together, hence, After the division of the Roman people by Servius Tullius into six (or, the citizens who paid tribute alone being reckoned, into five) classes, A class, Liv. 1, 42, 5; 1, 43, 2 sq.; Cic. Rep. 2, 22, 39 sq.; Gell. 6 (7), 13, 1 sq.; Cic. Fl. 7, 15; Liv. 1, 42, 5; 1, 43, 1 sqq.; Plin. 33, 3, 13, § 43; cf. Dion. Halic. 4, 16 sq.; 7, 59: prima classis vocatur... tum secunda classis, etc., Cic. Phil. 2, 33, 82: infra classem; v. classicus, I.

— Trop.: qui (philosophi) mihi cum illo collati, quintae classis videntur, i.e. of the lowest rank, Cic. Ac. 2, 23, 73; cf. classicus, I. B.

—Hence, In milit. lang., the whole body of the citizens called to arms, an army. 1 Of the land army (mostly very ancient): procincta, Lex Numae in Fest. s. v. opima, p. 189, 13 Mull.: classis procincta [id est exercitus armatus, Gloss.], Fab. Pictor. ap. Gell. 10, 15, 4; cf. Gell. 1, 11, 3; Paul. ex Fest. p. 56, 3: classi quoque ad Fidenas pugnatum cum Vejentibus quidam in annales rettulere, Liv. 4, 34, 6 Weissenb. ad loc.: Hortinae classes populique Latini, Verg. A. 7, 716 Serv.

— Of men at sea, the fleet, including the troops in it (the usu. signif. in prose and poetry): CLASESQVE. NAVALES. PRIMOS. ORNAVET.... CLASEIS. POENICAS...., Column. Rostr., v. 7 sq.: nomina in classem dare, Liv. 28, 45, 19: cetera classis... fugerunt, id. 35, 26, 9: ut classem duceret in Ligurum oram, id. 40, 26, 8; 41, 24, 13; cf. id. 42, 48, 10: navium classis, id. 22, 37, 13: posteaquam maximas aedificasset ornassetque classes, Cic. Imp. Pomp. 4, 9: classem instruere atque ornare, Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 51, § 135: classis ornandae reficiendaeque causā, Liv 9, 30, 4: comparare, Cic. Fl. 14, 33: facere, Caes. B. C. 3, 42 al.: classe navigare, by ship, Cic. Fl. 14, 32; cf. Verg. A. 1, 379; 8, 11; Hor.C. 3, 11, 48: classes = naves, Verg. A. 2, 30: geminasque legit de classe biremis, id. ib. 8, 79: omittere, id. ib. 5, 794: armare, id. ib. 4, 299: deducere, id. G. 1, 255: efficere, Nep. Them. 2, 3: (Suiones) praeter viros armaque classibus valent, Tac. G. 44.

— In the post-Aug. per., sometimes, a class, division, in gen.: pueros in classes distribuerant, Quint. 1, 2, 23; so id. 1, 2, 24; 10, 5, 21; Suet. Tib. 46: operarum, Col. 1, 9, 7: servorum, Petr. 74, 7.