circum-sono, āre, v. n. and a. (rare but class.). Neutr., to sound, resound (with something) on every side, to be filled with any sound: locus, qui circumsonat ululatibus cantuque symphoniae, Liv. 39, 10, 7; 27, 18, 16; Vitr. 5, 8, 1; Manil. 5, 582.
— Of the sound itself, to resound: dux theatri sui audiens plausum, in modum planctus, circumsonare, Flor. 4, 2, 45.
— Act. To surround a thing with a sound, to make something to echo or resound, to fill everywhere with a sound: aures vocibus undique, Cic. Off. 3, 2, 5 (cf. id. Fam. 6, 18, 4, and Hor. Ep. 1, 1, 7, personare aurem): clamor hostes circumsonat, Liv. 3, 28, 3: Rutulus murum circumsonat armis, Verg. A. 8, 474; cf.: quā totum Nereus circumsonat orbem, Ov. M. 1, 187 Haupt (al. circumsonat): me luxuria undique circumsonuit, Sen. Tranq. 1, 9.
— Pass.: Threicio Scythioque fere circumsonor ore, Ov. Tr. 3, 13, 47; 4, 10, 111: nunc procul a patriā Geticis circumsonor armis, id. ib. 5, 3, 11.