Cibyra, ae, f., = Κιβυρα. A town in Magna Phrygia, on the borders of Caria, abounding in manufactures, and the seat of a Roman tribunal, now Buruz, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 13, § 30; Liv. 38, 14 bis; and id. 38, 15, 1.
— Hence, Cibyrāta, ae, comm., = Κιβυράτης, of Cibyra: fratres quidam, Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 13, § 30 sq.: pantherae, id. Att. 5, 21, 5.
Cibyrātae, ārum, m., the inhabitants of Cibyra, Cael. ap. Cic. Fam. 8, 4, 5; 8, 9, 3; Liv. 45, 25, 13 al.
— Cibyrāticus, a, um, adj., of or pertaining to Cibyra: forum, Cic. Att. 5, 21, 9: negotia, Hor. Ep. 1, 6, 33: jurisdictio, Plin. 5, 28, 29, § 105.
— A town in Pamphylia, now Ibura, Plin. 5, 27, 22, § 92.