Chaldaei, ōrum, m., = Χαλδαῖοι, the Chaldaeans, a people of Assyria, distinguished, in an early age, for their knowledge of astronomy and astrology. Of the nation or people, Plin. 6, 28, 32, § 105; Mel. 3, 8, 5.
— In gen., soothsayers, astrologers, Cic. Div. 1, 1, 2; 2, 42, 87 sq.; Val. Max. 3, 1, 2; Gell. 14, 1, 1 sqq.; sing.: Chaldaeus, a soothsayer, Cato, R. R. 5, 4; gen. plur. Chaldaeūm, Lucr. 5, 726.
— Hence, Chaldaeus, a, um, adj., Chaldaean: regnum, Luc. 8, 226.
— Esp., of or belonging to the soothsayers: secta, Plin. 18, 25, 57, § 211: grex, Juv. 10, 94.
Chal-daicus, a, um, adj., the same: genus praedicendi, Cic. Div. 2, 42, 88: rationes, id. ib. 2, 47, 98: gentes, Plin. 6, 26, 30, § 121.