ūniversus adj. unus+versus, all together, all in one, whole, entire, collective (opp. singuli): provincia: civitas: mundus: triduum, three days together, T.: de universis generibus rerum dicere: ut eadem sit utilitas unius cuiusque et universorum: in illum tela universi coniciunt, Cs.
—Plur m. as subst, the whole body, all men, the mass, everybody: universi in omnibus fori partibus: si universi videre optimum possent, nemo delectos principes quaereret.
—Sing n. as subst, the whole world, universe: in eodem universo (i. e. in universitate rerum): universi corpus.
—Relating to all, general, universal: odium: oratoris vis: dimicatio, a general engagement, L.
—As subst n., in the phrase, in universum, as a whole, in general, generally: non nominatim, sed in universum, L., Ta.