ūltrō adv. abl. of * ulter
— sc. loco, to the farther side, beyond, on the other side.
—Only with citro: cursare ultro et citro, to and fro: ultro citroque navigare, back and forth: ultro citro commeantes, hither and thither.
—Over and above, besides, moreover, too, furthermore: celavit suos civīs ultroque eis sumptum intulit: cavendo, ne metuant, homines metuendos ultro se efficiunt, L.
—Fig., superfluously, gratuitously, wantonly: putant, Sibi fieri iniuriam ultro, L.: sibi ultro per contumelias hostem insultare, L.
—Of oneself, one's own accord, unasked, spontaneously, voluntarily: Nolunt, ubi velis
— ubi nolis, cupiunt ultro, T.: spes imperi ultro sibi oblata: offerentibus ultro sese militibus, L.: cum id, quod antea petenti denegasset, ultro polliceretur, Cs.: subinvideo tibi, ultro te etiam arcessitum ab eo, of his own motion: cum rex ab Attalo ultro se bello lacessitum diceret, L.
—In the phrase, ultro tributa (ultrotributa), payments to contractors for service to the state, appropriations for public works (opp. tributa, vectigalia): ultro tributa infimis (pretiis) locaverunt, i. e. awarded the contracts for public works to the lowest bidders, L.