ter adv. num. cf. Gr. tri/s, tres, three times, thrice: in anno: is de se ter sortibus consultum dicebat, Cs.: ter aevo functus senex, H.
—With numerals: ter quattuor corpora, Enn. ap. C.: Terni ter cyathi, H.: ter centum regnabitur annos, V.: ter denas vaccas Accipit, O.
—Thrice, repeatedly, again and again: Ter sese attollens, V.: Ter si resurgat murus aeneus, ter pereat meis Excisus Argivis, H.
—In phrases with bis or quater, of indefinite repetition, two or three times, thrice or four times, often: bis terque: Terque quaterque, V.
—With adjj., thrice, very, exceedingly: Felices ter et amplius, quos, etc., H.: o terque quaterque beati! V.: qui ter amplum Geryonen Compescit, trebly vast, H.