taberna ae, f 2 TA-, a rude dwelling, hut, cabin: mors pulsat pauperum tabernas, H.: Migret in obscuras tabernas, H.
—A place of business, booth, shop, stall, office: instructa medicinae exercendae causā: libraria, a book-stall: Nulla taberna meos habeat libellos, H.: Nec vicina subest vinum praebere taberna, bar, H.: tabernae argentariae, money-changers' shops, L.: sutrina, Ta.: Liparea, Vulcan's shop, Iu.: Adriae, market, Ct.
—An inn, tavern: in tabernam devertere: occlusis tabernis: prope Cloacinae ad tabernas, L.: Tres Tabernae, a hamlet on the Appian Way near Ulubrae.
—An archway in the circus.