ruō uī, ātus (P. fut. ruitūrus), ere 1 RV-, to fall with violence, rush down, fall down, tumble down, go to ruin: caedebant pariter pariterque ruebant Victores victique, V.: ruere illa non possunt: tecta, tumble down, L.: Templa deum, H.: murus latius quam caederetur, L.: alta a culmine Troia, V.: ruit arduus aether, rain falls in torrents, V.: caelum in se, L.: ruit imbriferum ver, i. e. is ending, V.
—Prov.: quid si nunc caelum ruat? i. e. what if the impossible happens? T.
—To hasten, hurry, run, rush: id ne ferae quidem faciunt, ut ita ruant itaque turbent: (Pompeium) ruere nuntiant: Huc omnis turba ruebat, V.: ultro ruere ac se morti offerre, Ta.: in aquam, L.: in volnera ac tela, L.: ruebant laxatis habenis aurigae, Cu.: de montibus amnes, V.: per apertos flumina campos, O.: Nox ruit, i. e. hastens on, V.: antrum, Unde ruunt totidem voces, break forth, V.
—To cause to fall, cast down, dash down, hurl to the ground, prostrate: Ceteros ruerem, agerem, T.: cumulos ruit harenae, levels, V.
—To cast up, turn up, throw up, rake up: (mare) a sedibus (venti), V.: cinerem focis, V.: unde Divitias aerisque ruam acervos, H.
—Fig., to fall, fail, sink, be ruined: ruere illam rem p.: sive ruet sive eriget rem p.
—To rush, dash, hurry, hasten, run: ad interitum: pati reum ruere, L.: crudelitatis odio in crudelitatem, L.: In sua fata, O.: omnia fatis In peius, V.: Quo quo scelesti ruitis? H.: ut ferme fugiendo in media fata ruitur, L.