rōbur oris, n hard-wood, oak-wood, oak: naves totae factae ex robore, Cs.: (sapiens) non est e robore dolatus: Illi robur et aes triplex Circa pectus erat, H.
—Very hard wood: morsus Roboris, i. e. of the wild olive, V.: solido de robore myrtus, V.
—A tree-trunk: annoso validam robore quercum, i. e. old and sturdy, V.: antiquo robore quercus, with ancient trunk, V.
—An oak-tree, oak: fixa est pariter cum robore cervix, i. e. was pinned fast to the oak, O.: agitata robora pulsant (delphines), O.
—A piece of oak, structure of hard wood: in robore accumbunt, i. e. on hard benches: sacrum, i. e. the wooden horse, V.: ferro praefixum, i. e. lance, V.: nodosum, i. e. club, O.: aratri, i. e. the oaken plough, V.
—A stronghold, dungeon: in robore et tenebris exspiret, L.: Italum, H.
—Fig., hardness, physical strength, firmness, vigor, power: aeternaque ferri Robora, V.: navium, L.: satis aetatis atque roboris habere: corporum animorumque, L.: solidaeque suo stant robore vires, V.
—Enduring strength, force, vigor: virtutis: animi: pectus robore fultum, O.: neque his (gentibus) tantum virium aut roboris fuit, L.
—The best part, pith, kernel, strength, flower, choice: totius Italiae: quod fuit roboris, duobus proeliis interiit, Cs.: senatūs robur, L.: haec sunt nostra robora: lecta robora virorum, L.: robora pubis, V.