retrō adv.
—Of motion, backward, back, to the rear: vestigia sequor, V.: ora Flectit, O.: inhibitā nave, L.: fugam retro spectante milite, L.: fugit, H.: meretrix retro Periura cedit, H.: properare, O.
—Of rest, behind, on the back side, in the rear: ultimis conclave in aedibus, T.: quid retro atque a tergo fieret, ne laboraret: retro Marsigni, etc., Ta.
—Fig., in time, back, in time back, in past times, before, formerly: deinceps retro usque ad Romulum: Quodcumque retro est, is past, H.
—In thought, back, behind, in return, on the contrary, on the other hand, vice versa: ut omnia, quae sine eā (honestate) sint, longe retro ponenda censeat: vide rursus retro: omnia fatis In peius ruere, a{*} retro sublapsa referri, i. e. against one's wish, V.