re-sistō stitī, -, ere, to stand back, remain standing, stand still, halt, stop, stay, stay behind, remain, continue: Resiste! Halt! T.: ad haec revocantis verbis resistit, O.: restitere Romani, tamquam caelesti voce iussi, L.: ibi, Cs.: in regno, Cs.: nihil est ubi lapsi resistamus, make a stand again: pugnandi causā, Cs.: nec ante restitit, quam, etc., L.: cernes saepe resistere equos, O.
— Fig., to pause, stop, stay: nec resistet (vita) extra forīs in hoc, pause here: Ad thalami clausas forīs, O.: mediā in voce, V.
—In war, to withstand, oppose, resist, make opposition: resistere neque deprecari, Cs.: aegre, Cs.: caeco Marte, V.: ibi, S.: resistendi occasio, Cu.: eādem ratione quā pridie ab nostris resistitur, Cs.: cum legiones hostibus resisterent, Cs.: signa inferentibus, Cs.: ei in acie, N.
—To resist, oppose, reply, contend against: restitit et pervicit Cato: resistentibus collegis, S.: vi contra vim, L.: cum a Cottā acriter resisteretur, Cs.: vix deorum opibus, quin obruatur Romana res, resisti posse, L.: consilia, quibus illi tribuno pro re p. restitissem: defensioni, i. e. reply: factioni inimicorum, S.: sceleri, O.: omnibus his (sententiis) resistitur, Cs.: cui nec virtute resisti potest, O.: ne pestis removeretur: domus potuit resistere tanto Indeiecta malo, O.: vis tribunicia libidini restitit consulari.
—Fig., to stand up again, rise again: post ex fluvio fortuna resistet, Enn. ap. C.