Definition of repeto
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y zgo back
Orthography ID = 1014122
repetō, repetere, repetīvī, repetītus
verb (3rd conjugation)
  1. to fall upon again, attack anew, strike again
  2. to seek again, return to, revisit
  3. to seek again, demand anew
  4. to seek again, demand back, retake, demand in compensation, claim
  5. [in phrases, with res, in war or at law] to demand restitution, require satisfaction
  6. to fetch back, bring again, retake, recall
re-petō īvī, ītus, ēre, to fall upon again, attack anew, strike again: regem repetitum ad terram adfixit, after repeated attacks, L.: repetita per ilia ferrum, O.: ad Nolam armis repetendam, L.

—To seek again, return to, revisit: fratresque virumque, O.: Hispanā Penatīs ab orā, H.: viam, quā venisset, retrace, L.: domum, H.: Africam, L.: praesaepia, V.: quid enim repetiimus (sc. patriam)? L.

—To seek again, demand anew: Gallum a Verticone, qui litteras deferat, Cs.: repetitumque, duobus uti mandaretur imperium, the demand was made again, L.

—To seek again, demand back, retake, demand in compensation, claim: pro illā quidquam abs te preti, T.: abs te sestertium miliens ex lege: quae erepta sunt: obsides, Cs.: si forte suas repetitum venerit plumas, H.: Politorium rursus bello repetitum, was retaken, L.: eam, quam patri suo spoponderim, dignitatem: pro eo (beneficio) gratiam, L.: parentum poenas a filiis: ne mors quidem in repetendā libertate fugienda, in the effort to recover: per occasionem libertatem, L.: beneficia ab nullo, S.

—In phrases, with res, in war or at law, to demand restitution, require satisfaction: fetialīs mittendi ad res repetendas, L.: bellum rebus repetitis indictum, i. e. for reprisals.

—With pecuniam: pecuniam repetere, to sue for the recovery of money: lex de pecuniis repetundis, concerning extortion: pecuniarum repetundarum reus, of extortion, S.: alqm repetundis postulare (sc. pecuniis), sue for extortion, Ta.

—To fetch back, bring again, retake, recall: Repudiatus repetor, I was rejected, and am recalled, T.: ad haec (impedimenta) repetenda, Cs.: alii (elephanti) deinde repetiti ac traiecti sunt, were brought and passed over, L.

—To take hold of again, undertake anew, enter upon again, recommence, resume, renew, repeat: praetermissa repetimus, incohata persequimur: eadem vetera consilia: Hoc opus, H.: repetitum Mulciber aevum Poscit, O.: auspicia de integro, L.: repetita suis percussit pectora palmis, i. e. again and again, O.: longo Vellera mollibat tractu, by drawing out repeatedly, O.: haec decies repetita placebit, H.

—In discourse, to draw, deduce, derive, go back to, seek, trace: populum a stirpe: repetere populi originem: usque a Corace nescio quo: narratio, si non ab ultimo repetetur: res remotas ex litterarum monumentis: tam alte repetita oratio: primā repetens ab origine, V.: longius: repetitis atque enumeratis diebus, reckoned backwards, Cs.

—To think over, trace in thought, call to mind, recall, recollect: mearum praecepta litterarum: supra repetere ac paucis instituta maiorum disserere, S.: noctem, O.: te animo repetentem exempla tuorum, V.: memoriā vetera: memoriam ex annalibus, L.