re-pellō reppulī (repulī), repulsus, ere, to drive back, thrust back, drive away, reject, repulse, repel: nostri acriter in eos impetu facto reppulerunt, Cs.: qui clavis ac fustibus repelluntur: foribus repulsus, H.: adversarius repellendus: homines a templi aditu: a castris, Cs.: in oppidum, Cs.: telum aere repulsum, repelled, V.: mensas, push back, O.: repagula, shove back, O.: mediā tellurem reppulit undā, crowds back, O.: spretos pede reppulit amnīs, spurned (as she flew up), V.: pedibus tellure repulsā, spurning the ground, O.
—Fig., to drive away, reject, remove, keep off, hold back, ward off, repulse: te a consulatu: ab hoc conatu: ab hac spe repulsi Nervii, Cs.: repulsum ab amicitiā, S.: Fracti bello fatisque repulsi, V.: proci repulsi, O.: dolorem a se repellere: illius alterum consulatum a re p.: tegimenta ad ictūs repellendos, Cs.: cute ictūs, O.: pericula: facinus, O.: repellit Ver hiemem, O.: conubia nostra, reject, V.: amorem, O.: ut contumelia repellatur, be discarded.
— To reject, confute, refute, repel: ab aliquo adlatas criminationes: Repulsus ille veritatis viribus, Ph.