Definition of religio
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Orthography ID = 1014042
religiō, religiōnis
re-, 2 LIG-
noun (f., 3rd declension)
  1. conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation, duty
  2. a regard for sacred things, devoutness, piety, reverence, religious feeling
  3. a religious scruple, scruple of conscience, apprehension of divine anger, fear of the gods, superstitious awe
  4. a sense of religious obligation, religious sanction, duty to the gods
  5. a religious obligation, oath, pledge of faith, religious sanction
  6. divine service, worship of the gods, religious observance, religion, worship
religiō (not rell-; the first syl. lengthened in hexameter verse), ōnis, f re-+2 LIG-, conscientiousness, sense of right, moral obligation, duty: nihil esse mihi, religiost dicere, i. e. I say on my conscience, T.: Heium a religione deducere: quid lex et religio cogat cogitare: quaeris aliquem praestantiorem virtute, religione?: iudiciorum religionem veritatemque perfringere: iudicum religiones oratione converti, the conscientious convictions.

— A regard for sacred things, devoutness, piety, reverence, religious feeling: sese summā religione teneri: religio, quae deorum cultu pio continetur: sacra summā religione confici velle: omnia, quae sceleri propiora sunt quam religioni: religioni servire.

—A religious scruple, scruple of conscience, apprehension of divine anger, fear of the gods, superstitious awe: ut eam, non religio contineret: nullā mendaci religione obstrictus, superstition, Cs.: tantā religione obstricta provincia: obstrinxisti religione populum R.: parvulae causae vel terroris repentini vel obiectae religionis, Cs.: rem habere religioni, i. e. as a divine warning: ne bellum indiceretur, religio obstitit, L.: plena religione civitas, L.: liberatae religione mentes, L.: rivos deducere nulla Religio vetuit, V.: nulla mihi Religio est, H.: movendi thensauros, L.: novas sibi ex loco religiones fingunt, Cs.: religionibus impediri, Cs.: plenis religionum animis prodigia insuper nuntiata, L.

—A sense of religious obligation, religious sanction, duty to the gods: viri religione potius quam veritate fides constricta: iuris iurandi.

—A religious obligation, oath, pledge of faith, religious sanction: timori magis quam religioni consulere, Cs.: Achaeos religione obstringere, L.: relinquitur nova religio, ut, etc., i. e. a new view of your obligation, Cs.: ius iurandum servabat conservatā religione, N.: religioni potius vestrae quam odio parere.

—Divine service, worship of the gods, religious observance, religion, worship: religione, id est cultu deorum: illa pax mater huic urbi iuris et religionis fuit: deorum.

—A religion, faith, religious system, mode of worship, cult: venit mihi religionis illius in mentem: neque enim haec externa vobis est religio: expertes religionum omnium: in bello religionum et consuetudinis iura retinere: pro religionibus suis bella suscipere: religiones interpretantur, religious matters, Cs.: publicae religiones, L.

—Sacredness, sanctity, holiness, claim to reverence: fanum Iunonis tantā religione semper fuit, ut, etc.: in sacerdotibus tanta offusa oculis animoque religio, i. e. such sacred majesty of expression and feeling, L.: Iam tum religio pavidos terrebat agrestīs Dira loci, V.

—An object of veneration, sacred place, consecrated thing, hallowed object: religionem restituere: tantis eorum religionibus violatis: ad deorum religionem demigrasse, i. e. shrines: quae religio aut quae machina belli (the Trojan horse), V.

—Of places, a claim resulting from consecration, religious liability: aram si dedicasti, sine religione loco moveri potest: liberaret religione templum, L.: locus religionum deorumque plenus, L.