levis e, adj. with comp. and sup. 2 LEG-.
—Of weight, light, not heavy: terra, light soil, V.: levis armaturae Numidae, light-armed, Cs.: miles, L.: nudi, aut sagulo leves, lightly clad, Ta.: Per levīs populos, shades, O.: virgāque levem coerces Aureā turbam, H.
—Of digestion, light, easy to digest: malvae, H.
—Of motion, light, swift, quick, fleet, nimble, rapid: venti, O.: pollex, O.: ad motūs leviores, N.: Messapus cursu, V.: Quaere modos leviore plectro, gayer, H.: hora, fleeting, O.
—Slight, trifling, small: Ignis, O.: tactus, gentle, O.: querellae, O.
—Fig., without weight, of no consequence, light, trifling, unimportant, inconsiderable, trivial, slight, little, petty: labores, T.: haec leviora fortasse: verba: auditio, unfounded report, Cs.: cui res et pecunia levissima fuit, insignificant: proelium, skirmish, Cs.: leviore de causā, Cs.: praecordia levibus flagrantia causis, Iu.: versūs, H.: Flebis levis, neglected, H.: rati, leviorem futurum apud patres reum, L.
—Easy, light: non est leve Observare, no easy matter, Iu.: quidquid levius putaris, easier, Iu.: leviora tolli Pergama, H.
—Of character, light, light-minded, capricious, fickle, inconstant, untrustworthy, false: mulieres sunt levi sententiā, T.: homo: tu levior cortice, H.: iudices: quid levius aut turpius, Cs.: auctor, L.: spes, empty, H.
—Light, not severe, mild, gentle, pleasant: alquos leviore nomine appellare: audire leviora, milder reproaches, H.: eo, quod levissimum videbatur, decursum est, mildest, L.: Sithoniis non levis Euhius, i. e. hostile, H.