legō lēgī, lēctus, ere 1 LEG-, to bring together, gather, collect: herbas collibus, O.: mala, nuces, V.: spolia caesorum, L.: quos (asparagos), Iu.: homini mortuo ossa: ficus apta legi, to be plucked, O.: Parcae fila legunt, i. e. spin out, V.: Ore legam (extremum halitum), receive the last breath, i. e. give a parting kiss, V.: Umida vela, to furl, V.: tenerā vela manu, O.
—To take, carry off, steal: sacra divum, H.
—To go over, traverse, pass, wander through: saltūs, O.: pontum Pone legit, sails through, V.: Aequora Afra, O.: presso vestigia gressu, track, O.: tortos orbīs, wander through, V.
—To sail by, skirt, coast along: Inarimen Prochytenque, O.: navibus oram Italiae, L.
— cf. primi litoris oram, i. e. of my theme, V.
—To choose, pick out, single out, select, elect, appoint: iudices: condiciones: civīs in patres, L.: viros ad bella, O.: geminas de classe biremīs, V.: legit virum vir, man singles out man (in battle), V.: omnīs longo ordine Adversos legere, pass in review, V.
—Esp., of the censors: in senatu legendo, making up the roll of the senate.
—Fig., to read, peruse, scan: legi ipse animoque notavi, O.: libros: acta maiorum, S.: liber tuus et lectus est et legitur a me diligenter: Ore legar populi, O.: sepulcra, epitaphs: ut scriptum legimus, find written: relatum legere, quis docuerit, etc., N.: nec Cynicos nec Stoica dogmata, Iu.
—To read out, read aloud, recite: convocatis auditoribus volumen: Obturem impune legentibus aurīs, H.: alqm occidit legendo, with recitation, H.: acta, the news of the day, Iu.