lēx lēgis, f 3 LEG-, a formal proposition for a law, motion, bill (offered by a magistrate to the people): legem ferre: antiquare: rogare: legem promulgavit pertulitque, ut, etc., L.: a dictatore comitiis lata: scivit legem de publicanis: populus R. iussit legem de civitate tribuendā: repudiare.
— A bill adopted by the people in the comitia, enactment, law: civitati legem constituere: leges ac iura labefactare: legem condere, L.: decem tabularum leges, the ten (afterwards twelve) tables, composed by the decemvirs, L.: fraudem legi facere, evade the law, L.: omnia lege facta, legally: ut legibus fieret iudicium, according to law, N.: lictorem lege agere iubere, do his office, L.: Lege agito, bring an action, T.
—A law, precept, regulation, principle, rule, mode, manner: meā lege utar, T.: haec lex in amicitiā sanciatur: veri rectique: prima historiae, ne quid falsi dicere audeat: lex amicitiae, ut idem amici semper velint: leges Epicuri: ultra Legem tendere opus, H.: lex et ratio loquendi, Iu.: equi sine lege ruunt, in disorder, O.: hanc dederat Proserpina legem, had prescribed this order, V.
—A contract, agreement, covenant: in mancipi lege, a contract of sale: Manilianas venalium vendendorum leges ediscere, legal forms.
—A condition, stipulation: hac lege tibi adstringo meam fidem, T.: legibus dictis, L.: fata Quiritibus Hac lege dico, ne, etc., H.: leges captis inponere, conditions, O.: sed vos saevas imponite leges, Iu.: pax data Philippo in has leges est, terms, L.: se sub leges pacis iniquae Tradere, V.