laurus ī (abl. laurū and laurō, H., O.; plur, nom. and acc. laurūs, V., Ct., Tb.; voc. laurūs, O.), f a bay-tree, laurel-tree, laurel (sacred to Apollo): Phoebo sua Munera, lauri, etc., V.
— its branches were the crown of poets: Pindarus Laureā donandus, H.
— of the flamens: coronatus laureā coronā, L.
— and of ancestral images in festivals
— generals in triumph wore laurel crowns, carried laurel branches, and the fasces of their lictors were bound with laurel, C.: nitidā incingere lauru, O.: incurrit haec nostra laurus non solum in oculis, sed, etc., i. e. triumph: ornari lauro secundā, Iu.