latus eris, n PLAT-, the side, flank: cuius latus mucro petebat: lateri adcommodat ensem, V.: si tetigit latus acrior, nudged, Iu.: lateris dolore consumptus, pleurisy: lateris vigili cum febre dolor, Iu.: utne tegam Damae latus, walk beside, H.: servi claudit latus, gives the wall to, Iu.: negotia circa saliunt latus, encompass, H.: a senis latere numquam discedere, never leave his side.
—The side, body, person: latere tecto abscedere, unharmed, T.: Penna latus vestit, tenet, O.: fessum longā militiā, H.
—Of speakers, the lungs: nobilitatus ex lateribus et lacertis tuis: legem bonis lateribus suadere.
—Of things, the side, flank, lateral surface: terra angusta verticibus, lateribus latior: latus unum castrorum, Cs.: Illyricum, coast, Iu.: castelli, S.: tum prora avertit et undis Dat latus, the ship's side, V.: ubi pulsarunt acres latera ardua fluctūs, O.: Nudum remigio, H.
—Of an army, the flank, wing, side: equites ad latera disponit, on the wings, Cs.: latere tecto abscedere, with flank protected, i. e. safely, T.: latere aperto, the flank exposed, Cs.: ne in frontem simul et latera pugnaretur, Ta.: latere inde sinistro petit, farther to the left, O.: a tergo, a fronte, a lateribus tenebitur, on the sides: ab utroque latere, Cs.: ab latere adgredi, L.: ex lateribus ceteros adgreditur, S.
—Fig., the person, life: regi latus cingebant, attached themselves closely, L.: lateri adhaerere gravem dominum, was pressing upon them, L.: addit eos ab latere tyranni, the intimates, L.