laevus adj., laio/s, left, on the left side: manus: auris, O.: Pontus, to the left, O.: iter, V.: habena, H.: laevā parte, on the left, O.
—As subst. n the left: fleximus in laevum cursūs, O.: In laevum conversus, Iu.: in laeva Italiae flexit iter, L.: Laeva tenent Thetis et Melite, the left, V.
— Neut. As adv., on the left: Intonuit laevum, i. e. propitiously, V.: laevum extendere comas, Iu.
— Fig., awkward, stupid, foolish, silly: mens, V.: o ego laevus, H.
—Of ill omen, unfavorable, inconvenient, unfortunate, unlucky, bad, pernicious: Sirius laevo contristat lumine caelum, V.: Teque nec laevus vetat ire picus, H.: Numina, unfavorable gods, hostile deities, V.
—In the language of augurs, fortunate, lucky, propitious (because the augur faced the south, and the east or propitious side was on the left; see sinister): omina: tonitru, O.