lacrima (old, lacruma), ae, f a tear: cito exarescit lacrima: lacrimam dare ignoto, shed a tear for, O.: homini lacrimae cadunt gaudio, he sheds tears of joy, T.: lacrimis oculos suffusa nitentīs, her eyes moistened with tears, V.: neque prae lacrimis iam loqui possum, cannot speak for tears: lacrimas vix tenere, restrain: multis cum lacrimis obsecrare, Cs.: lacrimis opplet os lotum sibi, T.: lacrimas mitte, away with tears, T.: lacrimas profundere: ciere, to cause to flow, V.: lacrimas excussit mihi, forced from me, T.: quis talia fando Temperet a lacrimis, V.: his lacrimis vitam damus, (moved) by this lament, V.
—Prov.: hinc illae lacrimae, T.: inde irae et lacrimae, Iu.
—A tear, gum-drop (from plants): Narcissi, V., O.