labor (old labōs, T., S., Ct.), ōris, m 3 LAB-, labor, toil, exertion: ingenium ab labore proclive ad lubidinem, T.: quanto labore partum: non intermissus remigandi, Cs.: res est magni laboris: ad incertum casum labor impenditur: multum operae laborisque consumere: laborem exanclare: se in magnis laboribus exercere: patiens laborum, S.: summi laboris esse, capable of great exertion, Cs.: magni formica laboris, H.: victus suppeditabatur sine labore: quantum meruit labor, Iu.: numerentur labores, be valued, Iu.: quae (loca) capere labor erat, a hard task, L.
— Drudgery, hardship, fatigue, distress, trouble, pain, suffering: ex eo quem capit Laborem! T.: Mox et frumentis labor additus, V.: secundis laboribus pubes crevit, successful battles, H.: castrorum labores, Iu.: Lucinae labores, V.: iucundi acti labores: labores solis, eclipses of the sun, V.: lunae labores, V.
—Of plants: hunc perferre laborem, the work of growth, V.
—A work, product of labor: ita multorum mensium labor interiit, Cs.: Hic labor ille domūs, V.: Polycliti Multus, Iu.
—Person.: Labōs, Toil, the genius of toil, V.