gemō uī, -, ere GEM-, to sigh, groan, lament: quis tum non gemuit?: cum templa gemerent, were in mourning: extrema gemens, in the death agony, V.: quadrupes successit gemens stabulis, panting, V.
—With acc, to sigh over, bemoan, bewail, lament: haec: flebiliter Ityn, H.: Amyci casum, V.: casūs urbis, Iu.: unā voce omnium gemi: paucis ostendi gemis, H.: arbor flagellari gemuit sua robora, O.
—To moan: nullo gemit hic tibicina cornu, Iu.: Nec gemere cessabit turtur ab ulmo, V.: noctua gemuit, Pr.
—To groan, creak: gemens Bosporus, H.: gemuit sub pondere cymba, V.: gemens rota, V.