exuō uī, ūtus, ere 4 AV-, to draw out, take off, pull off, put off: pharetram umero, O.: iugum, shake off, L.: caestūs, V.
—To unclothe, divest, free, put forth: pellibus membra, H.: ossa lacertosque, bares, V.: ex his te laqueis: se iugo, L.: unum exuta pedem vinclis, V.: cornua exuitur, O.
—To strip, despoil, deprive: copiae armis exutae, Cs.: se agro paterno, L.
—Fig., to lay aside, cast off, divest oneself of, put away: humanitatem: silvestrem animum, V.: mores antiquos, L.: tristitiam, Ta.: ius fasque, Ta.: hac (pinu) hominem, i. e. turn into a pine, O.: ex animo exui non potest, esse deos: Lepidum, get rid of, Ta.