ex-hauriō hausī, haustus, īre, to draw out, empty, exhaust: sentinam: vinum, drink up: exhausto ubere, V.
—To draw out, make empty, exhaust: terram manibus: humum ligonibus, H.: aerarium: exhaustā paene pharetrā, O.: exhaustis tectis, pillaged, L.: reliquom spiritum, destroy: sumptu exhauriri, impoverished: Quo magis exhaustae fuerint (apes), V.: socios commeatibus, L.: facultates patriae, N.
—Fig., to take away, remove: partem ex tuis (laudibus): sibi manu vitam: exhausta vis aeris alieni est, cleared off, L.
—To exhaust, bring to an end: ut (amor) exhauriri nullā posset iniuriā: (multa) sermone, i. e. to discuss thoroughly: deinde exhauriri mea mandata, be fulfilled: labores, endure, L.: pericula, V.: labor Cui numquam exhausti satis est, i. e. never finished, V.: poenarum exhaustum satis est, inflicted, V.: Plus tamen exhausto superest, more than has been done, O.: exhaustus cliens, worn out, Iu.: inter labores exhausti, L.