ex-currō cucurrī or currī, cursus, ere, to run out, run forth, hasten forwards: excurrat aliquis, qui hoc nuntiet: ad me: in Pompeianum, make an excursion: excurso spatio, traversed, T.
—Esp. in war, to sally forth, make an incursion: in finīs Romanos, L.: ex Africā.
—To go forth, issue forth: animi spretis corporibus excurrunt foras.
—To run out, project, extend: ab intimo sinu paeninsula excurrit, L.: (Sicania) in aequora, O.
—Fig., to run, spread, extend, display itself: campus, in quo excurrere virtus posset: cum sententiā pariter, keep pace with: ne oratio excurrat longius, be prolix.