excitō āvī, ātus, āre, freq. excio, to call out, summon forth, bring out, wake, rouse: me e somno: sopitum mero regem, Cu.: scuto offenso excitatus vigil, L.: reum consularem, summon: testīs ab inferis: cervum latibulis, Ph.
—To raise, stir up: (vapores) a sole ex aquis excitantur: ventus harenam humo excitavit, S.
—To raise, erect, build, construct, produce, kindle: vetat sepulcrum e lapide excitari: aras, V.: nova sarmenta culturā excitantur, are produced: ignem, Cs.: sopitas ignibus aras (i. e. ignīs sopitos in aris), V.
—Fig., to raise up, comfort, arouse, awaken, excite, incite, stimulate, enliven, inspire: iacentem animum: animos ad laetitiam: Gallos ad bellum, Cs.: studia ad utilitates nostras: sonus excitat omnis Suspensum, startles, V.: hoc maxime ad virtutem excitari putant, the strongest incentive to virtue, Cs.
—To appeal to, call upon, cite: ex annalium monimentis testīs: multos testīs liberalitatis tuae.
—To found, cause, occasion, excite, kindle: quantum mali ex eā re, T.: quibus fundamentis hae tantae laudes excitatae sint: risūs: iras, V.