crēber bra, brum, adj. with comp. crēbrior, and sup. crēberrimus 1 CER-, thick, close, pressed together, frequent, numerous, repeated: arbores, Cs.: (venae) corpore intextae: creberrima aedificia, Cs.: ignes quam creberrimi, S.: vigilias ponere, S.: tanto crebriores litterae, Cs.: crebri cecidere caelo lapides, L.: funale, i. e. many torch bearers: sonitus, V.: densis ictibus heros pulsat, V.: iactūs, H.: inpetus, S.: amplexūs, O.: anhelitus, quick, V.
—Crowded, abundant, abounding: harundinibus lucus, O.: procellis Africus, V.: in eo creber fuisti, you often said: in scribendo essem crebrior quam tu.