cornū ūs (acc. cornum, T., O.), n (once m, C.) 1 CAR-, a horn, antler: (animantes) cornibus armatae: tauri, O.: cornu ferit (caper), V.: luctantur cornibus haedi, V.
—As a vessel: bilibre, H.
—As a funnel: inserto latices infundere cornu, V.
—With copia, the horn of plenty (an emblem of abundance): beata pleno Copia cornu, H.: dives meo Bona Copia cornu, O.
—A horny substance, horn (poet.): solido sonat ungula cornu, V.: ora cornu indurata rigent, i. e. by the growth of horny bills, O.
—A projection, protuberance, horn, point, end: flexum a cornibus arcum Tendit, i. e. from tip to tip, O.: Cornua antemnarum, tips, V.: cornua cristae, the cone (supporting the crest), V.: galeae, L.: per novem cornua lunae, months, O.: septem digestus in cornua Nilus, branches, O.: inclusam cornibus aequor, capes, O.: in cornu sedere, at the end (of the tribunal), L.
—Of an army, the wing, extremity, side: dextrum, sinistrum, Cs.: equitatum in cornibus locat, S.
— A bow: Parthum, V.
—A bugle-horn, horn, trumpet: misit cornua, tubas: Aerea cornua, V.: Berecyntium, H.
— The sides of the lyre (orig. two horns holding the strings), C.
—In a constellation, The Horn: Tauri, O.: Aries cum cornibus.
— Fig., a salient point, chief argument: cornua commovere disputationis.
—The wing, flank: qui quasi cornua duo tenuerunt Caesaris, i. e. were his main dependence.
—Power, courage, strength, might: addis cornua pauperi, H.