commodus adj. with comp. and sup. cum- + modus, with due measure, full, complete, of full weight: cyathis commodis miscentur pocula, H.
— Of things, suitable, fit, convenient, opportune, commodious, easy, appropriate, favorable, friendly: curationi omnia commodiora, L.: seges commoda Baccho, V.: hoc meae commodum famae arbitror, T.: lex omnibus, L.: commodissima belli ratio, Cs.: ad cursūs vestis, O.: longius ceterum commodius iter, L.: commodissimus in Britanniam transiectus, Cs.: tempus, opportune, T.: commodiore iudicio.
—In the phrase commodum est, it pleases, is agreeable: si id non commodum est, T.: iudices quos commodum ipsi fuit dedit.
—Of persons, serving, useful, serviceable, pleasant, agreeable, obliging, neighborly, friendly, polite, affable, gentle: Catone commodior: aliis inhumanus, isti uni commodus: meis sodalibus, H.
— Poet., of iambie verse: spondeos in iura paterna recepit Commodus, kindly, H.